Sick people urged to skip mass

In a two-page circular, CBCP president and Davao Bishop Romulo Valles said those who are “feeling unwell physically” can stay in their homes and view the masses on their televisions instead of attending service in churches until they are sure of their health.

MANILA, Philippines — Contrary to the teachings of Pope Francis for the Catholic Church to “go out and visit the sick,” the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) yesterday discouraged the sick faithful from attending masses amid the spike of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the country.

In a two-page circular, CBCP president and Davao Bishop Romulo Valles said those who are “feeling unwell physically” can stay in their homes and view the masses on their televisions instead of attending service in churches until they are sure of their health.

“We recommend those feeling unwell physically to refrain from liturgical assemblies until they are certain of their diagnosis. Taking the basic steps of wellness, as recommended by the health authorities, is not only sensible but also wise and considerate of others,” Valles said.

“In truth, it is an expression of genuine charity. For vulnerable populations like the elderly, those who are immune-compromised, they may view the celebration of holy mass on TV and social media,” he added.

Valles issued the circular to all the bishops and diocesan administrators following the spike of coronavirus infection cases in the Philippines and after President Duterte declared a state of public health emergency.

Amid the threats of COVID-19, Pope Francis had told priests to go out and visit those who were sickened by the coronavirus.

In the circular, Valles reminded priests to make the necessary adjustments that should be taken seriously during the holy masses in compliance with the directives from the Department of Health (DOH) to avoid the spread of the respiratory disease.

The prelate also appealed to the faithful to refrain from kissing and touching the images of saints in all churches at this time of crisis and told priests to empty the holy water fonts at the entrance of churches.

He also urged both the clergy and the faithful to observe proper hygiene and handwashing inside liturgical spaces and to provide hand sanitizers at the doors of every church for use of churchgoers.

As far as the collection of donations during mass is concerned, Valles said that the clergy can still do this provided that they tell the faithful to refrain from passing the box to churchgoers as he emphasized that the virus can also be spread through money.

“Those who count the collection must wear face mask and use alcohol after counting. It is better to provide them with latex gloves,” he said.

The CBCP official also reminded the clergy and the faithful to continue reciting the Oratio imperata.

In another development, Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop and former CBCP president Socrates Villegas reminded the faithful to not leave Jesus Christ out of the threat of COVID-19 as he urged them to pray regularly.

“Our first combat gear against all sickness is prayer. There is no cure without God willing it. We cannot win over sickness without God. Remember always: God has powers beyond the human sciences. The puzzle of COVID-19 must not be faced without faith in God and without trust in the power of prayers,” Villegas said.

He added that the COVID-19 outbreak is an invitation for greater prayer and more penance. – With Emmanuel Tupas, Evelyn Macairan

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