Hontiveros stresses need for proper coordination between suicide prevention hotlines

Hopeline is a counselling hotline available 24/7 to individuals who suffer from crisis situations and depression.

MANILA, Philippines — There should be proper coordination between the operations of suicide prevention hotlines of the Natasha Goulbourn Foundation and the Department of Health to sustain people’s line to hope, Sen. Risa Hontiveros said.

Hontiveros, author of the Mental Health Law, made the statement days after the DOH withdrew its support for Hopeline Philippines—a national suicide prevention and emotional crisis intervention hotline.

DOH said it will set up its own crisis hotline through the National Center for Mental Health.

“We look forward to proper coordination between Natasha Goulbourn Foundation’s Hopeline initiative and the DOH’s new service, so that we can see convergent and efficient progress in the collection of data and the appropriate attention to individual cases of mental health issues in the Philippines,” Hontiveros said.

The lawmaker stressed that a hotline “removes a significant layer of that wall [of stigma]” and “allows people and institutions to be connected in times when it matters the most.”

Despite the pullout of government support, Hopeline will still continue its operations.

“I’m grateful that Hopeline has found a way to continue operating and I am confident that impact should be minimal now that it has secured independent funding,” Hontiveros said.

In June 2018, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Mental Health Law, which would provide affordable and accessible mental health services for Filipinos.

Hopeline can be reached through (02) 804-467, 0917-558-4673 and 2919 (toll-free number for all Globe and TM subscribers). — Gaea Katreena Cabico

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