Pinoys among most emotional, stressed people — survey

Sixty percent of Filipinos reported they had experienced positive or negative emotions the day before the poll was conducted.

MANILA, Philippines — Filipinos were among the most emotional and stressed people in the world in 2018, according to the latest report released by US pollster Gallup. 

Sixty percent of Filipinos reported they had experienced positive or negative emotions the day before the poll was conducted.

The Philippines ranked first along with Niger, Ecuador and Liberia.

They were followed by Costa Rica, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Peru – all at 59 percent – and by Nicaragua, Honduras, Sri Lanka and Guatemala, which rated at 58 percent.

The Philippines also placed second in the list of most stressed countries, with 58 percent saying they had experienced a lot of stress a day before the poll was conducted in 2018.

This was well above the global average of 35 percent.

Greeks were the most stressed population for the third consecutive year, with 59 percent, followed by Tanzania with a stress rate of 57 percent.

Iran, Sri Lanka and the United States had a stress rate of 55 percent, followed by Uganda (53 percent), then Costa Rica, Rwanda, Turkey and Venezuela (52 percent).

The survey was based on telephone and face-to-face interviews with approximately 1,000 adults in 143 countries for the Positive Experience Index and 142 countries for the Negative Experience Index.

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