Filipinos look for 'not corrupt' senatorial bets, commissioned survey shows

In this file photo, voters check their names in the lists before casting their vote at the Corazon Aquino Elementary School in Batasan, Quezon City.
The STAR/Boy Santos, file

MANILA, Philippines — A senatorial candidate that is "not corrupt" tops the list of qualities that Filipinos are looking for in senatorial candidates, a commissioned survey conducted by the Social Weather Station showed.

On Saturday, SWS disclosed on its website the survey item sponsored by Stratbase ADR Institute, an independent strategic research organization.

The polling body said that the survey was implemented within December 16 to 19, 2018, through face-to-face interviews with 1,440 adults. According to a separate release from ADRI, 1,363 of the participants were registered voters.

The participants who were asked: “What qualities are you looking for in a senatorial candidate of the Philippines?”

The participant was allowed to give up to three answers.

'Will not be corrupt'

The survey showed 25 percent of Filipinos said that they are looking for a senatorial bet that “will not be corrupt.”

More than a quarter answered the same from the National Capital Region (25 percent), Balance Luzon (26 percent) and Visayas (27percent). This was also the quality most sought for by urban dwellers (25 percent).

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The survey was conducted two months before the official campaign period for national candidates in the coming elections was held.

A survey from Pulse Asia showed that reelectionist Sen. Grace Poe continued to be the top choice of Filipinos for the Senate in the May midterm elections, with administation-backed candidates from the Hugpong ng Pagbabago slate surging to higher spots.

Three of the 13 senatorial aspirants endorsed by Hugpong party were implicated in the multi-billion pork barrel fund scam and are facing cases at the anti-graft court. Sandiganbayan Presiding Judge Amparo Cabotaje-Tang earlier said that a conviction on plunder does not bar an aspirant from seeking a political position, until the judgment becomes final and executory.

READ: Sandiganbayan: Plunder convicts can still run for office

'Candidates who help the poor'

Meanwhile, 22 percent said that they are looking for a senatorial aspirant who “helps/has concern for the poor.”

The survey showed that 26 percent percent from Visayas—the highest among the regions—answered this. Twenty-three percent of the participants from NCR while 21 percent of Balance Luzon also gave the same quality when asked.

Around 21 percent of Filipinos, meanwhile, are looking for a senatorial candidate with "good characteristics.”

This was the most looked for quality from participants from Mindanao as 29 percent, and from those who are in rural area as 25 percent of them answered this.

The same survey also showed that 21 percent of Filipinos are looking for senatorial bets that are “trustworthy.”

Twenty-eight percent from the NCR answered this, while 22 percent of Balance Luzon also gave the same answer.

A candidate who “has concern/helpful to those in need” rounds up the top five senatorial bets that Filipinos are looking for, with 20 percent answering this. This is also the quality that most of residents of Mindanao are looking for, next to someone that “has good personal characteristics.”

Fourteen percent of Filipinos seek a candidate that “walks his talk/fulfills his promises."

Meanwhile, the following responses earned single-digit scores:

  • Can give solutions to the problems of the country (i.e. employment, education, health, infrastructure, peace and order) - 9 percent
  • Approachable - 7 percent
  • Has good leadership qualities - 6 percent
  • Knows how to listen and confer with other people - 5 percent
  • Has faith in God - 5 percent
  • Has political will (i.e. honors the rule of law) - 3 percent
  • Educated/intelligent/bright - 3 percent
  • Brave - 3 percent
  • Hard worker/diligent - 3 percent
  • Has plans for the growth of the country (i.e. vision and good platforms) - 2 percent
  • Has done good things for the country (i.e. accomplished/experienced) - 2 percent
  • Fights for/loves the nation - 2 percent

“The remaining 2% cited other qualities, while 1% did not give an answer,” the SWS said.

Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, Visayas and Mindanao each had 360 participants respectively, giving an error margin, at 95 percent confidence level, of plus or minus 2.6 percent for national percentage, and plus or minus 5 percent each for the regions. — Kristine Joy Patag

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