US to provide food, hygiene kits to 'Ompong' victims

Residents affected by super Typhoon Mangkhut temporarily stay in an evacuation site in Manila on Sept. 15, 2018. Super Typhoon Mangkhut slammed into the northern Philippines, with violent winds and torrential rains, as authorities warned millions in its path of potentially heavy destruction.
AFP/Noel Celis

MANILA, Philippines — The United States government has committed to extend assistance to the Philippines in the aftermath of typhoon Ompong, which barreled into the country over the weekend.

Through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with a non-governmental organization, Washington will be providing hygiene supplies for the 5,500 people who were affected by the typhoon in Cagayan province.

The USAID, in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the United Nations World Food Programme will also be transporting 1,000 metric tons of food to familes who were affected by the typhoon.

US Ambassador Sung Kim expressed condolences for the victims of the typhoon, which left dozens dead in the Philippines.

"We hope that our support will provide comfort to the victims during this difficult time. We also hope to provide further assistance as needs are identified," Kim said in a statement.

The American envoy also commended the Philippine government for evacuating residents before the storm and for its search and rescue efforts.

The number of people killed in the wake of "Ompong" has risen to 81, mostly victims of a massive landslide in Itogon, Benguet where dozens are still believed to be buried under mud.

The figure could still increase as 59 are still missing while searchers continue to dig through a 300-meter landslide.

Damage to agriculure has reached an estimated P16.76 billion as of Tuesday, according to the Department of Agriculture. — Patricia Lourdes Viray

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