Ex-SSS chief denies dismissal, abuse of funds

MANILA, Philippines — Former Social Security System (SSS) chairman Amado Valdez insisted yesterday that he was not fired and that there was no abuse of funds during his stint in the pension fund. 

“There was never any specific reference to me by the President in connection with the abuse of funds and in fact, nothing of that sort was reported in the SSS during my incumbency as chairman. I was not fired,” he said in a statement sent to The STAR

Valdez added that he “reciprocated the President’s trust and friendship by serving the SSS with all dedication, honesty and competence.”

He was reacting to a background of a story published yesterday in the paper about him and La Viña being fired for “abuse of public funds.”

The background was based on Duterte’s remark during the oath taking of new appointees in Malacañang last Feb. 13, when he said: “I have fired several and I hope I would not have to do it again because I do not like it.”

“But I have fired so many officials of government for one reason or another…the latest of those who really were abusing the use of public funds. And I was referring to… I hope she doesn’t mind it because it’s true – CHED (Commission on Higher Education), MARINA (Maritime Industry Authority), the guys responsible for the moorings there of the ships and many others including the SSS,” he was also quoted saying.

The President delivered the remark a day after Roque announced that the terms of Valdez and La Viña would not be renewed. Duterte does not usually mention the names of officials he dismissed in his speeches. 

Valdez said collections increased and improvements were implemented when he was chairman of the SSS. 

“I knew from the beginning that I was serving the unexpired portion of the term of my predecessor. Our records show an increase in collections, which comfortably addressed the increase of the pensions of our retirees. Systems for real time postings of contributions have been in place,” the former SSS chairman said. 

“We also introduced the rule on warrant of distraint and levy as SSS legal tools to discourage employers from failing to remit employees’ contributions. It is hoped that all these will enable the SSS to give the additional P1,000 increase in pension by 2018 or 2019,” Valdez added. 

He also said that the SSS Commission’s decisions on legal claims “were marked by a humane and pragmatic interpretation of the spirit of the SSS law.” 

Meanwhile, Malacañang does not see the need to justify President Duterte’s appointment of sacked SSS commissioner Jose Gabriel “Pompee” La Viña as tourism undersecretary, saying it was within his prerogative as Chief Executive. 

La Viña, Duterte’s social media director during the campaign for the 2016 polls, was appointed SSS commissioner in 2016 but his term was not renewed when it expired last year, with presidential spokesman Harry Roque Jr. issuing a statement that the non-renewal was due to costly project proposals and alleged vilification of fellow SSS officials.

But despite his exit from SSS, Duterte appointed La Viña as tourism undersecretary last April 24. 

“As I said, it is a presidential prerogative. I don’t really have to explain, justify an act which is inherently executive in nature and subject absolutely to the President’s discretion,” Roque said in a press briefing yesterday. 

When asked whether the appointment was inconsistent with Duterte’s pronouncements against corruption, Roque replied: “My friend, as I said, it’s his prerogative.” 

“It is up to the President. He is the appointing authority to both – the position of SSS and the DOT (Department of Tourism),” he added. 

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