China erects marker on Fiery Cross Reef

This January 1, 2018 satellite image shows China's installations on Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands.
DigitalGlove via CSIS/AMTI

MANILA, Philippines — China has unveiled a monument marking its construction activities on Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands, according to a report.

The People's Liberation Army Daily reported that the marker was unveiled last Monday on the artificial islands where Beijing has also installed an airstrip and other military facilities, according to Reuters.

The report said that the marker sends a message about China's "determination to protect its territory and maritime rights."

Magdalo Partylist Rep. Gary Alejano said that the unveiling of the monument is a "slap to the faces" of other claimant states in the South China Sea.

"This just shows the determination and boldness of China to continue pursuing its objectives in the SCS without respect to international laws and the sovereignty of other states," Alejano said.

The opposition lawmaker added that the unveiling of the marker, in addition to the installation of military facilities on the artificial islands, does not help in stabilizing the situation in the region.

Alejano called on the Duterte administration to protest China's recent actions in the disputed South China Sea.

"The intentions of China to control the South China Sea are becoming more apparent. This administration is either naturally incompetent or deliberately turning a blind-eye if it fails to see the threat of China’s aggression," Alejano said.

Late last year, China's state broadcaster aired a year-end feature showing that Kagitingan or Fiery Cross Reef has been transformed into a fortified airbase.

The island features a 3,125-meter runway for 6K strategic bombers, according to Hong Kong-based news site Asia Times.

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Beijing has installed military jamming equipment on Fiery Cross Reef and Mischief Reef.

China's Ministry of Defense had insisted that Beijing has a "natural right" to deploy troops and military equipment on its artificial islands in the Spratlys or what the Chinese call "Nansha."

"It is the natural right of a sovereign state for China to station troops and deploy necessary territory defense facilities on the relevant islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands," Chinese Ministry of Defense spokesperson Ren Guoqiang said. — Patricia Lourdes Viray

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