Palace on Amnesty report: Pinoys satisfied with Duterte

MANILA, Philippines - The special concern aired by human rights watchdog Amnesty International (AI) on reports of extrajudicial killings under President Duterte does not reflect the sentiments of the Filipino people, Malacañang said yesterday.

Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella downplayed the AI’s report that categorized Duterte as among the leaders “wielding a toxic agenda that hounds, scapegoats and dehumanizes entire groups of people.”

It said the “us (versus) them” rhetoric by the so-called “anti-establishment” leaders like Duterte is creating a more divided and dangerous world.

The 2016 to 2017 AI report also noted the “wave of extrajudicial executions” that ensued after Duterte promised to kill tens of thousands of people suspected of being involved in the drug trade.

Abella is banking on the President’s high trust ratings in an attempt to counter the AI report.

“The President received an overwhelming mandate last election, and presently, more than eight out of 10 Filipinos trust and are satisfied with the administration’s campaign against illegal drugs and its handling of criminality, according to recent surveys,” he said.

Abella reiterated the President remains sensitive to the plight and sentiments of the majority of Filipinos.

“On the ‘grave violations of human rights,’ we guarantee that the state does not condone extrajudicial killings perpetrated by common criminals wrongly credited in news reports as part of police operations,” he said. 

Abella added there is no stopping Duterte in his advocacy to go after drug operators as well as in his attempt to destroy the drug apparatus in the country in a bid to save the next generation.

“It is therefore regrettable that AI brushes aside the more than (one million) users and dealers who have surrendered, the discovery of mega drug laboratories and the narco-politics which have contaminated our politics, governance and law enforcement agencies,” Abella said.

According to Abella, the President won on a platform of genuine change and this would remain his only agenda to serve the interest of the Filipino people.

“The Duterte administration will continue to implement political and socioeconomic reforms aimed at improving the lives of ordinary Filipinos,” he added.

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