Andanar, Esperon to attend Trump rites

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine Chargé d’Affairés Patrick Chuasoto will be joined by National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon and Communications Secretary Martin Andanar during the inauguration of US president-elect Donald Trump in Washington on Jan. 20, a Malacañang official said yesterday.

Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said the Philippines aims to continue and strengthen its bilateral relations with the US under the Trump administration.

Esperon and Andanar will be President Duterte’s representatives to the historic event.

Duterte had decided to skip Trump’s inauguration.

“The Philippines and the US are long-standing allies and we intend to further strengthen the bilateral ties anchored on mutual respect, benefit, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs,” Abella said.

The Philippine government also aims to establish a shared commitment to world peace as the Trump administration assumes office, Abella said.

“We will be performing our respective functions. The charge d’affaires will officially represent President Duterte,” he said.

Andanar said they would hold side meetings during the US trip.

“We will report to the President the inauguration and our side meetings once we get back,” he said.

The Palace officials were mum when asked if they would raise concerns on destabilization efforts against Duterte or seek an audience regarding the Philippine drug war, which raised concerns on human rights violations during the Obama administration.

“As per US practice, heads of diplomatic missions represent their countries in the inauguration. Charge d’Affaires Patrick Chuasoto will be attending the inauguration,” Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said.

Duterte had deferred the nomination of a new Philippine ambassador to Washington until after the election of a new US president.

He announced in August that he wanted Palace chief protocol officer Marciano Paynor Jr. to be the Philippine ambassador to the US because of his long experience in the foreign service.

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