‘Assassination plot vs Duterte? Bring it on’

MANILA, Philippines – Incoming Philippine National Police head Chief Supt. Ronald dela Rosa has dared drug lords allegedly planning to assassinate president-elect Rodrigo Duterte to “bring it on.”

“Last Monday I received information that over the weekend, drug lords detained in the New Bilibid Prison had a meeting to discuss their fund-raising effort to counter the P5-million offer of the mayor and will make him (Duterte) and me as their target,” said Dela Rosa, referring to a proposed bounty for killers of drug lords.

He said the drug lords currently at the NBP in Muntinlupa would pay P10 million to neutralize him and Duterte.

“Sabi ko sa kanila (I told them), come on down, sige, bring it on,” said Dela Rosa.

He said once the Duterte administration assumes office, drug money would no longer have any influence on policemen, prosecutors, judges and prison officials.

During his victory party in Davao City last Saturday, Duterte urged three unidentified generals assigned at PNP headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City to resign immediately for alleged corruption.

Duterte also warned policemen who have drug-related and criminal cases that he would go after them without let-up.

He also said that he has increased the bounty for the arrest or killing of a drug lord to P5 million and for those under him, it would be P3 million and another P50,000 each for ordinary pushers.

Church against coup

Fr. Amadeo Picardal, executive secretary of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines Commission on Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC), said Catholic leaders should not support alleged efforts to oust Duterte.

CBCPNews said that Picardal, a known critic of Duterte, urged Catholic Church leaders not to be used in any “extralegal and undemocratic” means.

“In carrying out her prophetic vocation, the Church should avoid working with any elements in society that seek to oust the present administration,” he said.

The Church should not support coup attempts against Duterte by the military or other groups.

Picardal has never minced words in attacking the tough-talking mayor over his involvement in the alleged summary executions of suspected criminals during the campaign period.

He warned the people that Duterte would stamp out crime by all means necessary that could mean organizing more death squads in other parts of the country.

Picardal believes that a possible coup could be among the worst-case scenarios facing the Duterte government if he carries through with his anti-crime plans.

“Many things can happen. I hope this (coup) will not happen,” he said. 

He also said that the Church would also be vigilant against any effort to impose anti-democratic and autocratic forms of governance.  – With Evelyn Macairan

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