Koalisyon ng Daang Matuwid says Binays should face charges instead of scapegoating

Coalition spokesman and Akbayan Rep. Ibarra Gutierrez said the Binays should explain what they really did in Makati and how they spent the city’s funds. File photo

MANILA, Philippines - The Koalisyon ng Daang Matuwid said the Binays should just face the charges against them instead of looking for scapegoats.

Coalition spokesman and Akbayan Rep. Ibarra Gutierrez said the Binays should explain what they really did in Makati and how they spent the city’s funds.

“All opportunities have been given to defend themselves. This is the result and they have to face their cases,” Gutierrez said in a statement.

“They should not look for people to blame. They should just face the cases and bring out the truth,” he added.

Gutierrez said all those who stashed public funds should be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, Liberal Party presidential candidate Manuel Roxas II denied that he is behind the attack ads against Binay.

“Why would I spend money on that when I already have difficulties raising funds for my own ads?” Roxas said.

“Why would I care about their issue? They should just answer (the allegations),” he added.

The attack ads shared in social networking sites dealt with the corruption allegations against the vice president.

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