Palace disputes Transparency International report

MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang yesterday countered the latest international survey showing the Philippines slipping in the ranks of other countries in terms of corruption perception.

“What is more important than perception is reality. The reality is that for the past five years, the Philippine government has instituted major reforms that have strengthened the governance structure of our country,” Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said.

The Philippines ranked 95th out of 186 countries in the Corruption Perception Index for 2015, 10 notches lower than in the previous year.

Transparency International reported the Philippines scored 35/100 in the latest survey.

“We have initiated the heightened public accountability of government agencies through the mandatory requirement that all government agencies must maintain websites that are accessible to the public. These websites contain vital information on major decisions made by various departments and agencies of the government. Major procurement transactions as well as how they have spent their budget,” Coloma said.

Coloma added the reform programs instituted by the government are strongly taking root and the gains will be sustained.

“Perceptions are based on various things but we are more concerned about sustaining the reality of a well established framework for good governance,” Coloma added.

The survey covered 186 countries in 2015 and 175 countries in 2014. The corruption index shows the relative degree of corruption by ranking countries.

“This year’s index ranks 186 countries/territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption,” Transparency International said.

The Philippines shared 95th spot with Armenia, Mali and Mexico.

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