Ex-MRT chief asks court for PAO counsel, cites lack of money

Former MRT 3 General Manager Al Vitangcol III seeks the help of Public Attorney's Office since he claimed he does not have enough money to hire a private lawyer to represent him in his graft case. File photo

MANILA, Philippines – Former Metro Rail Transit (MRT) 3 General Manager Al Vitangcol III on Thursday asked the Sandiganbayan court to appoint a Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) lawyer as his counsel to represent him on his graft case.

Vitangcol submitted a motion to appoint the Public Attorney’s Office his counsel de officio, claiming that he lacks money to hire a private lawyer.

“Wherefore, premises considered it is most respectfully prayed before Honorable Court that the public Attorney’s  Office be appointed as counsel de officio of the herein accused until such time that a counsel de parte has been engaged by the said accused,” Vitangcol’s motion read.

“Accused further prays for such other relief and other remedies as may be deemed just and equitable under the premises,” it added.

In his motion, Vitangcol said he deferred his arraignment last January 21 since he has not yet engaged a counsel of his choice. He said he was earlier offered help by prominent law firms. However, it required P1 million cash for acceptance and other legal fees.

The accused also cited that due to the seemingly biased press releases of the Office of the Ombudsman, his reputation and integrity was affected that he was not able to get new clients in his profession which affected his earning capacity.

Aside from affected earnings, Vitangcol said the issuance of a Hold Departure Order against him constricted his geographical mobility which stopped the business opportunities he is working on.

“It would take time for the accused to generate and accumulate the funds necessary to pay for his councsel de parte. Hence, this motion,” Vitangcol said.

Vitangcol and five executives of the Philippine Trans Rail Management and Services Corp. face graft and corruption charges filed by the Ombudsman on December 1.

He was accused of violating the Anti-Graft Act over the award of an MRT3 interim maintenance contact without public bidding in 2012.

RELATED: Ombudsman charges ex-MRT3 GM, 5 others for corruption

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