DOJ backs creation of new land developement body

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Justice (DOJ) has supported a proposed law in the House of Representatives seeking the creation of a Land Development Authority (LDA).

In a three-page legal opinion issued on Dec. 16, the DOJ said it sees nothing legally objectionable in House Bill 6004 as proposed by brothers Cagayan de Oro second district Rep. Rufus Rodriguez and Abante Mindanao party-list Rep. Maximo Rodriguez Jr.

“We believe it is well within the Congress’ power and prerogatives to create such an office to eradicate poverty as a follow through to the accomplishments of the comprehensive agrarian reform program,” read the opinion signed by Undersecretary Zabedin Azis.

The DOJ stressed that the proposed measure is consistent with provisions in Article II, Section 21 and Article XIII, Sections 1 and 6 of the Constitution, pertaining to rural development and agrarian reform.

It pointed out that HB 6004 “falls under the nature of a social legislation which the Constitution mandates to be given the highest priority.”

But the DOJ suggested in the same legal opinion addressed to the House committee on government enterprises and privatization to edit a specific provision in Section 3 pertaining to the powers of the LDA.

Specifically, it suggested that the phrase “to do anything” be removed as the succeeding phrase “to enter into any transaction” would suffice. 

The LDA aims to develop land and relocation with the objective of poverty eradication through cultivation of various cash crops.

Under the bill, the proposed body can carry out projects of land development and agricultural activities, industrial and commercial social economy.


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