National transport strike looms tomorrow

MANILA, Philippines – The Association of Concerned Transport Organization (ACTO) is poised to hold a transport strike tomorrow if the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) refuses to hold a dialogue with the group over the planned phasing out of public utility vehicles that are over 15 years old.

Starting Jan. 1 next year, the LTFRB will implement the program designed to rid major roads in Metro Manila of rickety old passenger jeepneys.

Operators of jeepneys and buses found to be 15 years and older can no longer have their franchises renewed by the LTFRB.

Kilusang Bagong Lipunan presidential aspirant Augusto Syjuco said they would stage a transport holiday if the LTFRB ignores a dialogue with ACTO.

“The LTFRB should avert a nationwide transport crisis, replete with the horrors of traffic disruptions such as burning of tires,” Syjuco said. 

He said he would call for the resignation of LTFRB chairman Winston Ginez should he win as president in the 2016 elections.

ACTO president Efren de Luna said the LTFRB should hold a dialogue first with drivers and operators before implementing the program.

De Luna said several jeepney drivers and operators stand to lose their job if aging public utility jeepneys are phased out next year.

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