OFW, Filipino-American, 77, latest victims?

BULLET-PROOF: Foreigners are seen with plastic-wrapped luggage at a check-in counter at NAIA-3 as protection against a bullet-planting racket. Airport terminals offer luggage wrapping services at P160 per bag. Travelers who don’t want to pay the additional fee seal their bags at home with packaging tape (left photo). File photo/KRIZ JOHN ROSALES/RUDY SANTOS

MANILA, Philippines - Airport personnel reported finding a bullet in the bag of a departing overseas Filipino worker (OFW) as well as a caliber .38 bullet in the backpack of a US-bound Filipino-American last night.

Fil-Am Santiago Peñaflorida, 77, who came on an earlier flight from Iloilo with his daughter and was taking a connecting flight at the NAIA Centennial Terminal, protested that they had encountered no problems at the Iloilo airport.

But Office of Transportation Security supervisor Joey Saluna said the bullet was clearly seen in the x-ray, and insisted that it had not been planted.

Saluna said he was humiliated when Peñaflorida’s daughter shouted at him in front of many other passengers. She said she did not want her father to suffer a heart attack because of the incident.

“We are just doing our job, don’t judge us,” Saluna said.

Peñaflorida was brought to the PNP Aviation Security Group for questioning and missed his Philippine Airlines flight PR 102 bound for Los Angeles.

At the NAIA Termimal 1, Abu Dhabi-bound Melody Valdez of Pangasinan was apprehended at 8 p.m. after x-ray screener Mariel Magtalas spotted a bullet wrapped in plastic in her brown luggage.

Inspector Laher Maningca impounded the bag.

Valdez was supposed to board an Etihad flight at 10 p.m.

She asked that a representative of her recruitment agency be present before the bag was opened.

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