Comelec to come up with guidelines for bets

Streamers of political aspirants are displayed along a street in Intramuros, Manila yesterday.  EDD GUMBAN  

MANILA, Philippines - Despite the absence of a ban on premature campaigning, the Commission on Elections yesterday urged candidates to observe restraint as the Comelec will come up with guidelines on what politician “can and cannot do” after filing their certificates of candidacy (COCs).

In a press briefing, Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista said there would be a full commission meeting to discuss the do’s and don’ts for candidates between now and the official start of the campaign period on Feb. 9.

“From now until Jan. 10 which is the start of the election period, what can they do and what can’t they do and from Jan. 10 to Feb. 9, which is the start of the campaign period. The en banc will meet on this,” he noted.

Bautista added the Comelec just wants to have clear-cut guidelines to avoid confusion.

The Supreme Court had decriminalized premature campaigning in a ruling on Comelec vs Penera case in November 2009.

Because of this, the poll chief said that premature campaigning is no longer prohibited.

“They say premature campaigning can only happen before the campaign period. If it happens during the campaign period, it is no longer premature. We need to fix the election law to make it more attuned to our time,” he added. 


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