Despite citizenship issue, Grace to file COC next week

MANILA, Philippines - Despite pending issues on her citizenship, Sen. Grace Poe is set to file her certificate of candidacy (COC) before the Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Thursday next week, sources revealed yesterday.

Sources said Poe is definitely pursuing her presidential bid in the 2016 elections amid the disqualification case filed by losing senatorial candidate Lito David before the Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET).

SET spokesman and secretary Irene Guevarra earlier said Poe can still file her COC since the quo warranto case filed against her will not affect her intention to run.

Guevarra added SET would not issue a resolution on Poe’s disqualification case by next week or before the filing of the COC since most members of the electoral tribunal are out of the country this month.

Meanwhile, the source said actress Susan Roces will accompany Poe when she files her COC at the Comelec’s main office in Intramuros, Manila.

Roces accompanied Poe when she filed her COC at the Comelec in her run for the Senate in the 2013 elections where she took the top spot.

The source added Poe’s filing would be as simple as when she filed her COC for senator.

The source also said Poe is still finalizing the itinerary of her filing of COC, and will decide who aside from her mother will accompany her, after the Comelec set a rule that only three guests can accompany each national candidate.

The filing of COCs is on Oct. 12 to 16.

Poe’s family and other relatives as well as supporters might also be present but they will have to stay outside the poll office in compliance with Comelec rules. 

David recently alleged the camp of Poe is planning a rally to put pressure on the electoral tribunal to issue a resolution.

Poe’s lawyer George Garcia, however, denied the allegations, saying there might be some supporters who will express their support for Poe, but they will definitely not hold a rally.

David, on the other hand, admitted Poe’s right to file her COC but said she should have herself naturalized first before seeking higher office.

“It is everybody’s right to do so (provided) one has all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications. Grace may run as she pleases provided she has hurdled her own constitutional qualifications,” David said.

He suggested Poe should instead run for mayor of San Juan rather than the presidency since she has questionable citizenship.    

“I suggest she gets herself naturalized immediately and run for mayor of San Juan instead. Stop fooling our already badly treated people with another trick at their expense. If she proceeds with it then I will no longer hesitate to call her a fraud. She has no right to stay a senator and all the more to become president,” David said.

“If she files her COC for president I will file my own so I can run against an incompetent, a corrupt, a human rights violator and an American pretending to be a Filipino. And you know who they are,” he added.

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