APEC approves first-ever disaster risk reduction framework

ILOILO CITY, Philippines – The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Wednesday approved its first-ever disaster risk reduction framework in an effort to build resilient communities in the face of more frequent and unpredictable disasters.

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Executive Director Alexander Pama said the framework would lead to the creation of action plans that seek to mitigate the effects of both natural and man-made calamities.

“We got the consensus on the APEC Disaster Risk Reduction Framework. It has been adopted as the APEC’s strategy for building resilient economies,” Pama said in a press conference after the 9th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum here.

“With the advent of the new normal, the strengthening of cooperation among APEC member economies is vital in advancing disaster risk reduction advocacy and endeavors,” he added.

The “new normal” is a term used to describe the unpredictable and increasing frequency and magnitude of disasters.

The framework is the first document on disaster preparedness adopted by APEC since the economic bloc was formed in 1989.

“Adopting this framework is our move to help translate into concrete actions what our leaders and ministers have agreed on and repeatedly articulated over the years,” Pama said.

“We can proudly say that (the adoption of the framework happened under our watch, during the Philippines’ second hosting of APEC,” said Undersecretary Ferdinand Cui, vice chairman of the Senior Officials Meeting.

Pama admitted that the framework does not contain specific measures as these would form part of the annexes, which APEC delegates aim to finish before the senior leaders’ meet in November.

“Annexes and action plans are works in progress. The forum was realistic enough that the details cannot be done in a matter of two ways. What is important is we now have a framework and all subsequent actions and plans will have a basis,” he said.

Pama said the Philippines would not have difficulties adopting the framework because its pillars are similar to the country’s four thematic areas of prevention and mitigation, preparedness and response, recovery, and rehabilitation.

The framework also acknowledges the role of the private sector in the effort to achieve disaster resiliency and to promote sustainable development.

“We encourage cooperation with other relevant organizations to promote regional efforts in emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction,” the framework read.

“Sustainable development highly encourages collaboration between the public and the private sectors in recognition of their shared responsibility towards disaster resiliency.”

APEC disaster management officials also agreed to develop an action plan to implement, monitor and evaluate activities related to the framework.

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