Fingerprints found on condom wrapper not Pemberton’s

OLONGAPO CITY, Philippines  – The visible latent print on a condom wrapper taken from a motel room where transgender Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude was found dead does not match the standard finger and palm prints chart of US Marine Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton in the possession of police investigators.

This is contained in a document that The STAR has obtained.

It is based on a laboratory examination by the Philippine National Police (PNP) Fingerprint Division on the condom wrapper.

The laboratory examination was conducted last July 29 upon the request of Judge Roline Ginez-Jabalde of Olongapo City Regional Trial Court Branch 74. 

In the report, the PNP identified the specimen submitted as “S” for the standard finger and palm print chart of one Joseph S. Pemberton and “EEEEEE-3” on the visible latent print appearing on condom wrapper mentioned in Dactyloscopy Report No. F-181-2015.

Police Officer 3 Fernando Amaro, a latent print examiner, conducted the examination, which  Supt. Ariel Ayusup, Fingerprint Identification Division chief, had approved.

The laboratory report bears the signature of the two police officers.

The murder trial of Laude resumed yesterday, but defense lawyers have to wait till Monday next week to start their presentation of evidence and witnesses as few issues remain unresolved.

Judge Jabalde had denied admission of some exhibits that public prosecutors had submitted on grounds that these were not properly identified and the persons who prepared or identified the exhibits were not presented.

Some exhibits were admitted only for the purpose with which they are being offered.

Prosecutors will file a motion for reconsideration on the prosecution exhibits that were denied and defense counsels on the exhibits that were admitted, according to sources.


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