INC: Tenny, Angel trying to gain sympathy to get in power

Iglesia ni Cristo on Thursday denied allegations that a few of their ministers have been kidnapped.

MANILA, Philippines - Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) on Thursday accused the mother and brother of executive minister Eduardo Manalo of attempting to gain sympathy to get back in power by releasing a controversial video.

Manalo's mother Tenny and brother Angel released a video, which was posted on YouTube, asking for help and claiming that their lives were in danger.

INC general evangelist Bienvenido Santiago denied Tenny and Angel's claims during a press conference.

"Ang basa namin doon sa ipinahayag nila sa YouTube ay ibig lamang nilang makakuha ng mga tao na magsisimpatya sa kanila para nang sa ganun ay makuha nila 'yung talagang gusto nila na mapakialaman ang pamamahala sa Iglesia," Santiago said.

In the video, Tenny also claimed that a few of the religious group's ministers have been abducted.

"Doon sa ginawa nila na 'yon kagabi na maliwanag namang ang layon ay makalikha ng mga pagkakabaha-bahagi ay hindi maiiwasan na ipatupad sa kanila 'yong mga tuntunin at patakaran ng Iglesia na ipinatutupad ng tagapamahalang pangkalahatan sa lahat ng mga kaanib sa Iglesia," Santiago added.

The religious group decided to expel Tenny and Angel for the releasing the said video. Santiago added that the two Manalos have violated the values and regulations of INC.

"Masakit man sa loob ng kapatid na Eduardo Manalo ay ipinasya nila na itiwalag 'yong mga lumilikha ng mga pagkakabaha-bahagi sa Iglesia," the INC official added.

The INC official did not confirm if there is a rift within the Manalo family but admitted that Tenny, Angel and Eduardo, the current INC executive minister, have not yet talked to each other.

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