Leftist rebel commander captured in Davao Oriental

DAVAO CITY, Philippines (Xinhua) - One leftist rebel commander has been captured by government troops following a foiled attack on a police station in Davao Oriental province, military said today.

Wendel Olofernes, the rebel leader was captured after residents tipped soldiers about a man wearing an army uniform in the hinterland village, almost a day after the suspect led some 50 New People's Army (NPA) rebels storming Mati City police station in Madang village, Bienvinido Datuin, commander of the army's 701st Infantry Brigade told Xinhua by mobile phone.

Olofernes is the commander of the NPA's Sentro de Gravidad- Front 18 unit, the main rebel force that assaulted the police facility on Sunday.

The attack and ensuing running gun battle left four soldiers and an insurgent dead as well as seven others wounded, police and military officials said.

The suspect was now under government custody for further interrogation, the military official said.


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