CA bypasses DOE chief

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Appointments (CA) has bypassed the interim appointment of Carlos Jericho Petilla as secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE).

President Aquino should have reappointed the energy chief last Saturday, when his appointment lapsed upon the adjournment of the session of Congress on Friday.

Kenny Dichavez, chief of staff of Cagayan de Oro City Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, said the CA did not tackle Petilla’s appointment because its energy committee has not endorsed it.

He said the committee chaired by Sen. Sergio Osmeña III is still conducting hearings on it.

Rodriguez is part of the 12-member contingent of the House of Representatives in the CA.

Petilla and Osmeña have a raging word war on the country’s energy situation and on how the DOE chief is running his turf. The senator has criticized even Petilla’s work style.

The latest issue on which they crossed paths involved the proposal to grant emergency powers to President Aquino to enable him to deal with a projected shortfall in electricity supply in Luzon next summer.

The House of Representatives has approved a joint resolution containing such emergency powers. Osmeña has balked at the measure and has not endorsed it, saying Aquino does not need such powers.

Petilla is the only member of the Aquino Cabinet who has not hurdled the CA wringer.

Three of his colleagues were confirmed last June after a four-year wait. They are secretaries Leila de Lima of justice, Ramon Paje of environment and natural resources and Corazon Soliman of social welfare and development.

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