85 inmates may get executive clemency

MANILA, Philippines - In the spirit of Christmas, the Board of Pardons and Parole (BPP) is reviewing the cases of 85 inmates for the possible grant of executive clemency by President Aquino.

The announcement, signed by BPP executive director Reynaldo Bayang, was published in The STAR yesterday, as were the names of the inmates.

The BPP said in its advertisement that “any interested party may send (their) written objections, comments, information relevant to the cases of the… prisoners to (Bayang) not later than 30 days from date of publication.”

The BPP also recommended 47 other inmates for executive clemency last Nov. 27. The final decision is still pending at the Office of the President.

Executive clemency is a power given to the President to pardon any prisoner, provided for under Article VII, Section 19 of the Constitution.

“Except in cases of impeachment, or as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the President may grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction by final judgment,” the Constitution read.

Executive clemency pertains to reprieve, absolute or conditional pardon with or without parole conditions and commutation of sentence.

On the other hand, parole is the conditional release of a prisoner from a correctional institution after the person has served the minimum of his sentence.

It has been the practice of Malacañang to grant executive clemency to prisoners during the Christmas season.

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