Manila transportation 10th most dangerous in the world for women

Screenshot from, the Thomson Reuters Foundation, showing the major capital cities of the world surveyed on safety of transport systems for women.

MANILA, Philippines — Of the 16 most populous capitals in the world, Manila ranks 10th in the list of most dangerous transport systems for women.

In a study released Thursday commissioned by the Thomson Reuters Foundation and polled by YouGov, the Philippine capital fared better than other Southeast Asian capitals such as Jakarta (fifth) and Kuala Lumpur (seventh) in terms of safety for women.

The Colombian capital of Bogota is the  world's worst, followed by Mexico City; Lima, Peru and Delhi, India.

New York City's transportation system is ranked the world's best, followed by that of Tokyo, Beijing, London and Seoul.

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Manila is also ranked seventh worst in the query on whether Filipino women respondents feel safe traveling alone at night.

There are more reports of physical harassment, such as groping, in Manila than in six other cities.

The capital also landed 11th worst in availability of safe public transport.

Verbal harassment against women in transportation, however, is hardly an issue in Manila, ranked third best in the world.

It is also ranked second after New York in terms of public response to abuse, with most Filipina respondents saying they are confident someone would come to their assistance if they were being abused in public.

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