Lacson: I'm superman without power

Former Senator Panfilo Lacson is now Presidential Assistant fro Recovery and Rehabilitation for post-Yolanda rehabilitation. PCOO

MANILA, Philippines - Presidential Assistant for Rehabilitation and Recovery (PARR) Panfilo Lacson's limited role as post-Yolanda rehabilitation czar hinders him from performing better.

"I don't have implementation authority, I don't have a budget, three consultants under government payroll, no capital outlay, no MOOE (maintenance and other operating expenses), and probably the only czar of its kind. A superman, if you will, without power," Lacson said.

Under Memorandum Order 62, Lacson was appointed as PARR which manages and coordinates the overall rehabilitation, recovery and reconstruction efforts in the areas affected by super typhoon Yolanda last year.

Lacson confessed that he always thinks of resigning from his post but the private sector and non-governmental organizations motivated him to continue his task despite frustrations on his limited power.

"We still do with whatever limitations and restrictions. My main existence is just on coordinating with the national government agencies but you know we must learn how to improvise," the rehabilitation czar, said.

The Department of Budget and Management released P50 billion to fund the rehabilitation of all provinces struck by Yolanda last year, Lacson reported during the turnover ceremony of classrooms and day-care centers in Yolanda-hit towns in Cebu.

A total of P39 billion was distributed to different national agencies while P11 billion was allocated to the National Housing Authority for its housing project. The cost of full rehabilitation still lacks around P120 billion, Lacson said.

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