4 in 5 Pinoys want Binay to face Senate - SWS

Vice President Jejomar Binay gestures while denying allegations of corruption during a televised press conference at the PICC in Pasay City. ERNIE PENAREDONDO 

MANILA, Philippines - Nearly four out of five Filipinos want Vice President Jejomar Binay to testify at the Senate Blue Ribbon Sub-committee inquiry into the corruption allegations hurled against him and his family, according to the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

Results of the survey conducted from September 26 to 29, as first reported by SWS partner Businessworld, showed that 79 percent of the 1,200 respondents agreed that Binay should face the Senate to answer the accusations against him. Ten percent said otherwise while 11 percent were undecided on the issue.

SWS noted that large majorities across the board "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed that Binay should appear before the Senate probe - 82 percent of respondents in Metro Manila, 80 percent in Mindanao, 79 percent in Balance Luzon and 73 percent in the Visayas.

Also "strongly" or "somewhat" agreeing that Binay must face the Senate probe are 81 percent of respondents in class D or the masa, 80 percent of those in ABC and 72 percent of those in class E.

Binay has been accused of amassing kickbacks from overpriced projects in Makati such as the controversial city hall parking building. He has denied all allegations but has also refused to attend the Senate probe on the controversy, believing that it is politically motivated.

The corruption allegations have taken their toll on Binay, who has seen his ratings in various surveys dwindle in recent weeks.

Binay still won't face Senate

In a statement on the latest SWS poll, Binay's camp reiterated that he will not defend himself before his critics at the Senate.

Cavite Gov. Jonvic Remulla, Binay's spokesman, criticized the chamber for "prejudging" the Vice President and Senators Antonio Trillanes IV and Alan Cayetano for "coddling" former Makati Vice Mayor Ernesto Mercado, Binay's main accuser.

"This reinforces our stand that the hearings are not in aid of legislation but in furtherance of political persecution. It would be futile for the Vice President to dignify such farcical proceedings and subject himself and his family to ridicule," Remulla said.

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