AFP chief honors victorious Army Dragon Boat team

The Philippine Army Dragon Boat team getting ready to compete in the Small Boat 200m Premier Open. Philippine Army Dragon Boat Team Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Army (PA) Dragon Boat Team received a plaque of recognition from Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief-of-staff Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang on Thursday for their outstanding performance during the 9th International Dragon Boat Federation Club Crews World Championship in Italy last month.

“Gen. Catapang wants to highlight the achievements of our soldiers not just in military operations, but also in sports. He is very proud of the accomplishments of our soldiers,” AFP public affairs chief and team president Lt. Col. Harold Cabunoc, said.

The team won two gold medals, set new world records in the 200m and 500m Premier Open events with record time of 47.85 and 2:06.763 respectively and was awarded "Fastest boat crew in the planet." 

The PA Dragon Boat team is currently preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat Regatta in Penang, Malaysia.

The AFP recently recognized United Nations peacekeepers in Golan Heights for their heroic actions during the stand-off with Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nustra militants.

RELATED: Army awards medals to 'world's fastest dragon boat crew'

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