Teen Fil-Am daredevil nabbed anew for climbing another tower

Justin Casquejo recently finished his sentence for climbing the World Trade Center's centerpiece tower in March 2014. On Thursday, however, Casquejo gets arrested again for climbing the Weehawken New Jersey tower. Wikimedia | AP

MANILA, Philippines — The Filipino-American teenager who breached security and reached the spire of the World Trade Center in New York City pulled the same stunt again, this time in New Jersey.

Justin Casquejo, who was sentenced with 23 days of service for the Manhattan misdemeanor, was nabbed anew on Thursday for allegedly climbing New Jersey's Weehawken, an iconic 175-foot water tower.

The New York Daily News reported that Casquejo's latest escapade could land him in jail this time after his lawyers pleaded a deal with New York authorities.

Part of the plea deal is for Casquejo to avoid trouble and complete his required community service.

The 16-year-old faces charges for defiant trespassing and resisting arrest after running from cops following his allegedly daring climb.

Casquejo hails from Weehawken town and developed an interest in scaling precarious structures and for parkour, an extreme sport that combines elements from martial arts, gymnastics and rock climbing, a friend told the Associated Press.

After being charged for his World Trade Center fear, Casquejo gave the court a 1,200-word essay explaining what he had learned from the episode.

The essay and the rest of the case file were sealed because he was declared a youthful offender. The offense will be wiped from his record. - with Associated Press

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