Fate of anti-dynasty bill hangs in House

MANILA, Philippines - The fate of the bill banning political dynas- ties hangs in the House of Representatives.

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said in a television interview over the weekend the House may not be able to approve the measure until June 30, 2016, when the life of the current 16th Congress and President Aquino’s term expire.

“I can support it, but everybody else (in the House) is against it. I don’t think it will pass during P-Noy’s watch,” he said.

The measure, endorsed by the commit- tee on suffrage and electoral reform, is in the plenary consideration stage.

Last week, Aquino said he would sign the anti-political dynasty bill if Congress approves it.

His statement prompted Senate President Franklin Drilon to say that senators can pass it. Belmonte had lauded the vote in the committee level to endorse the proposed law that would break the stranglehold of

certain families on political leadership. “We have advanced to a point where we have never advanced before. I think that is a positive achievement,” he said

after the committee vote. “I think we ought to be happy that it

has passed the committee. It has never done that in 15 years. Remember that it is provided for in the Constitution of 1987, and that’s a long time ago. I’m in favor of it,” he said.

However, he predicted that the mea- sure would have a hard time getting plenary approval.

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