Final version of Bangsamoro Basic Law out this week

DAVAO CITY , Philippines   – The final version of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law will be drawn up this week once the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) finish reviewing its draft.

MILF vice chairman for political affairs Ghazali Jaafar said the final draft is expected to be completed by Aug. 20.

Jaafar said the MILF is satisfied with the ongoing discussions with key government officials as they draw up the final version of the “Basic Bangsamoro Law.”

“So far, we are satisfied with the results of the ongoing talks. It is good because the discussions are still going on,” Jaafar said.

The discussions between the government and the MILF took place here although they have changed venues a couple of times since Wednesday.

The government peace panel and the MILF met here for a 10-day workshop at the Waterfront Insular Hotel from Aug. 1 to 10. They met again last Wednesday at the Malagos Garden Resort before transferring to Marco Polo Hotel for further discussion on issues that have remained unresolved, including the articles on wealth and power sharing.

The review on the proposed BBL draft first took place in a four-day meeting in Kuala Lumpur and then another four-day meeting in Manila before the 10-day workshop at the Waterfront Insular Hotel.

In the latest joint statement signed Friday by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. and Bangsamoro Transmission Commission chair Mohagher Iqbal, the draft was now called Basic Bangsamoro Law from Bangsamoro Basic Law.

Ochoa, accompanied by the Office of the Presidential Legal Group and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, took over the lead of the government’s side after the 10-day discussion ended last August 10.

Although nothing is final yet with the details of the BBL, everything is expected to be finished by August 20 after which the draft would be presented to President Aquino before submission to Congress by month’s end for further discussions.

However, Jaafar refused to divulge the details of the discussion that took place between Ochoa and Iqbal.

Ochoa reportedly left for Manila Friday, although the members of both peace panels headed by Iqbal and government chief negotiator Miriam Coronel-Ferrer are still holed up in a hotel here in Davao City to continue discussions.

“So far, the talks have continued,” Jaafar said.

Malacañang, for its part, gave assurance the legal team reviewing the draft will give it utmost priority and present it before President Aquino today.

Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said the President will give the draft priority before submitting it to Congress.

Coloma said the President wanted to finish the draft law as soon as possible to realize the creation of the Bangsamoro Transitional Assembly for the Bangsamoro political entity that will be held alongside the May 2016 presidential and local elections.

Once the Bangsamoro Basic Law is passed and signed into law by Aquino, a plebiscite will be conducted in the envisioned core territory of the Bangsamoro to ratify the new government that will replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao by 2016.

Senate President Franklin Drilon promised Congress will shepherd the passage of the Bangsamoro bill paving the way for a transitional assembly by the first quarter of 2015.  – With Delon Porcalla


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