Palparans abound in the AFP - Karapatan

MANILA, Philippines - Rights group Karapatan on Thursday claimed that the Armed Forces of the Philippines has continued the legacy of retired army major general Jovito Palparan of human rights violations in the country.

Karapatan issued the statement after the remarks of President Benigno Aquino III  that there are no more "berdugo" (executioner) in the military.

The group said that there are still human rights abuses and violations during the Aquino administration, citing the massacre of anti-mining activist. Juvy Capion and her two children by soldiers of the 27th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army.

Karapatan also cited the killings of Fr. Fausto Tentorio,  fair trade activist Romeo Capalla and the illegal arrest of security guard Rolly Panesa by the AFP Southern Luzon Command.

According to Karapatan, there have been 204 victims of extra judicial killings and thousands of human rights violations since Aquino assumed office in 2010.

"Palparans in Aquino's AFP abound because as long as the AFP use the militarist approach in resolving the armed conflict in the Philippines, rights abuses will continue," the group said.

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