House proponents vow to pass FOI bill before yearend

MANILA, Philippines - Proponents in the House of Representatives vowed yesterday to pass the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill before yearend.

Parañaque City Rep. Gustavo Tambunting, an author of the bill, said the support of Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. has greatly boosted the chances of its enactment this year.

“As a major proponent of this bill, I really hope we can make this a law before the end of the year,” he said.

Public officials must be accountable to the people to whom they owe their very own title and position, Tambunting said.

Quezon City Rep. Winston Castelo, another author, said the FOI Bill is essential to ensure transparency in government, deter corruption and encourage citizen involvement in national affairs.

“Honest officials have nothing to be afraid about the FOI bill,” he said.

Speaking at the opening of the second regular session of the 16th Congress on Monday, Belmonte said the House “must craft a viable FOI Law to promote greater transparency and strengthen accountability in government, without unduly restricting the latitude of options for government action in the delivery of services to the public and in responding expeditiously to the needs of our people.”

Deputy Speaker Giorgidi Aggabao said Belmonte’s special pitch gives the FOI bill a big chance to be passed this session.

“The only kink I see would be the busy schedule of Congress,” he said. “The budget hearing plus the impeachment complaints would surely occupy a good part of our time.”  

Pampanga Rep. Oscar Rodriguez, House committee on good government and public accountability chairman, said the FOI bill is necessary for transparency in the military.

“I was the first one to file the original bill in the Eighth Congress because of my experience with the military then,” he said. “Because of so-called raw intelligence report which they later on made it appear as a validated report, the same was made as a political propaganda, including my detention, and I was not given access/opportunity to see the so-called document and confront the accusers.” – With Mayen Jaymalin, Janvic Mateo, Artemio Dumlao   



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