‘Enough evidence vs Jinggoy, JPE, Bong’

Ombudsman set to rule on petitions vs ‘pork’ raps

MANILA, Philippines - Almost a year after the alleged pork barrel scam was exposed to the public, the Office of the Ombudsman believes it has enough evidence against three senators tagged in the multibillion-peso anomaly.

According to a report of the Asian Journal dated May 29, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales told a townhall meeting in New York that there is sufficient data to prove the guilt of Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Ramon Revilla Jr. and Jinggoy Estrada who have been linked to the scam.

Morales, on a two-week study tour in Washington, was asked by community leaders through Consul Kira Danganan about the possibility of securing the conviction of the three senators, the report said.

“That’s supposed to be confidential, but given the fact that the ombudsman has come up with a resolution that there is probable cause to believe that crimes were committed and that the respondents are probably guilty, of course, the ombudsman will not go to court without proper ammunition. We have enough evidence,” Morales replied to the question.

“They filed a motion for reconsideration, and I understand they are now awaiting my return. I’m prepared to face them. I was telling them I have yet to study in earnest their motion for reconsideration, so only God knows if they will be indicted in court,” she added.

Morales said she does not have a timeframe to sign the charges against the senators.

“We can assure you that the ombudsman is independent. We can handle pressure. I have said it time and again, we are impervious to influence,” Morales said.

She said President Aquino has never exerted pressure on her.

“Maybe I look that fierce in public that no one has pressured me. In fairness to the President, he has not intimated or slightly suggested that I should do this or that,” she said.

The Office of the Ombudsman has recommended plunder and graft charges against Enrile, Revilla and Estrada and several government officials for the alleged misuse of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or congressional pork barrel.

The funds were reportedly diverted to bogus non-government organizations of Janet Lim-Napoles, the alleged scam mastermind.

Napoles has submitted to the Department of Justice an affidavit containing the names of lawmakers who had allegedly connived with her in embezzling their PDAF.

She tagged among others, 18 incumbent and formers senators and former congressman and now Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, who Napoles said mentored her in doing business with lawmakers.

It was in July last year when the pork barrel scandal first broke out courtesy of principal whistle-blower Benhur Luy, Napoles’ second cousin and former personal assistant.

Several anti-pork barrel rallies followed the expose to show the people’s disgust over the P10-billion anomaly.

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