JBC shortlists 3 bets for deputy ombudsman for military

MANILA, Philippines - Three final nominees have been short-listed for the post of deputy ombudsman for the military and other law enforcement offices.

In the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC)’s list are officer-in-charge Rudiger Falcis II, former assistant ombudsman Cyril Ramos, and Commission on Elections planning department head Ferdinand Rafanan.

President Aquino has 90 days from receipt of the list to make the appointment.

Chaired by Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, the JBC is comprised of Sen. Aquilino Pimentel III and Justice Secretary Leila de Lima as ex-officio members; lawyers Jose Mejia and Ma. Milagros Fernan-Cayosa and retired Court of Appeals Justice Aurora Santiago-Lagman as regular members.

Republic Act No. 6700 requires that a deputy ombudsman be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, at least 40 years old, of recognized probity and independence, a member of the Philippine Bar, and must not have been a candidate for any elective national or local office in the immediately preceding election whether regular or special.             


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