‘Increasing Internet use opens kids to more risks’

MANILA, Philippines - Children are more at risk than ever of being sexually exploited or sold with the increasing use of the Internet, a United Nations independent expert warned yesterday.

Najat Maalla M’jid, UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, called for decisive steps at the global level to stop crimes such as cyber child prostitution and trafficking.

“Millions of girls and boys worldwide are victims of sexual exploitation, even though this issue in recent years has gained increased visibility,” M’jid said during the presentation of her final report to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council, which opened last week.

Social tolerance and impunity, persistent demand and the lucrative aspect of the trade are among the factors that make children increasingly vulnerable, she said.

“The ongoing development of new technologies has made access to children in all parts of the world easier and increased exploitation,” she added.

She also cited the growing availability of child pornography online.

“Child victims of online sexual exploitation are younger and younger, and the images are more and more horrific,” she said.

She said certain forms of sexual exploitation are increasing, such as trafficking of children for sexual and economic purposes, child sex tourism and online child sexual exploitation.

She said the real scope of the problem is not clear due to inadequate legislation, lack of reliable data and under-reporting.

“The clandestine nature of such exploitation, the fear of reprisals and stigmatization, as well as the lack of child-sensitive complaints mechanisms, also hampers our understanding of these crimes,” she said.

She said perpetrators tend to choose countries with weak legislation and controls.


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