World’s heaviest drinkers: Pinoys 3rd

MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos are the third heaviest drinkers in the world, outdoing the United States and even Germany where the Octoberfest originated, a study of London-based Euromonitor International showed.

According to Euromonitor, the average amount of liquor consumed by “a person of drinking age” in the Philippines is 5.4 shots per week.

Topping the list are South Korea that posted 13.7 “shots per week of any spirit” and Russia with 6.2 shots.

In fourth place is Thailand with 4.5 shots followed by Japan (4.4), Bulgaria and Ukraine (both 3.9), Slovakia (3.8), Brazil (3.6), United States (3.3), and Czech Republic and Germany (both 3.0) at 10th.

Ironically, it was in Germany where the annual Octoberfest began in 1810. The event, which begins in late September and lasts until the first week of October, is highlighted by heavy drinking of alcoholic beverages, mostly beer.

In a separate country report on the “Spirits in the Philippines,” Euromonitor said the spirits in the country grew by six percent in terms of volume in 2012 to 773 million liters.

The report showed that “off trade volume” from supermarkets and other outlets accounted for 87 percent of 870 million liters, while “on trade” or bars, restaurants and other similar establishments accounted for 13 percent or 103 million liters.

“The higher proportion of off-trade volume is because spirits are usually bought to be consumed at home celebrations and events,” said Euromonitor, a research and consultancy and sales firm.

According to Willie Ong, a cardiologist from the Philippine Heart Association, the Filipinos’ tag of being the third heaviest drinkers is “not good for us.”

He noted that although some studies show that light drinking could have some “beneficial effects on the heart, there is more evidence to show that heavy drinking removes all these benefits.”

He cautioned that alcoholism could lead to liver disease, heart complications, brain cell damage, cancer and gastro-intestinal ailments.

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