British foreign secretary visiting Manila

MANILA, Philippines - British Foreign Secretary William Hague is arriving in Manila for a one-day visit tomorrow, the British embassy in Manila said.

Hague is the first British foreign secretary to visit the Philippines since 1997.

Secretary of State for International Development Justine Greening had earlier visited the country to observe the United Kingdom’s aid response to Typhoon Yolanda.

Speaking ahead of his visit, Hague said the UK would continue to be one of the allies of the Philippines.

The British government and its people donated over P11 billion for the typhoon victims in Eastern Visayas.

Hague is taking up a personal invitation from Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario.

He said he is delighted that his visit will take place a few days after the conclusion of the peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) that will pave the way for a comprehensive peace deal.

The UK is a firm supporter of the Mindanao peace process as a member of the International Contact Group.

The UK has been instrumental in helping achieve progress in the peace talks between the Philippine government and the MILF.

During his visit, Hague will meet with President Aquino, Vice President Jejomar Binay and Del Rosario.

Aquino visited the UK in May 2012.

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