Typhoon victims take part in emergency employment programs

MANILA, Philippines - Over 20,000 workers who lost their jobs are taking part in the emergency employment programs to speed up recovery after Super Typhoon Yolanda, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said.

The ILO, a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to improving labor conditions and living standards throughout the world, said engaging local communities can create a multiplier effect which will lead to real and lasting recovery.

Emergency employment programs help improve working and living conditions by ensuring adequate wages, effective safety and health, skills development and social protection such as accident and health insurance in line with national laws and standards.

ILO Country Office for the Philippines director Lawrence Jeff Johnson said workers hired this year alone would help rebuild their communities within decent and safe working conditions.

“Emergency employment provides a chance to reach out to workers and their families. This means making a difference in the lives of over 100,000 people by the end of 2013,” Johnson said.

The ILO is working with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to ensure that emergency employment programs are implemented from day one in areas badly hit by the typhoon.

“Workers regain their strength and dignity. They are also motivated to work because they are aware that their families and communities will benefit from the emergency employment programs. More importantly, ensuring decent work for one person can support an entire family and boost the local economy,” Johnson said.                                    

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