DFA: China's new air defense zone unsafe, threatens flight freedom

In this Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 file photo, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's P-3C Orion surveillance plane flies over the disputed islands in the East China Sea, called the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. China said Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013 it had monitored two unarmed U.S. bombers that flew over the East China Sea in defiance of Beijing's declaration it was exercising greater military control over the area. Tuesday's flight of the B-52 bombers underscored U.S. assertions that it will not comply with Chinese demands that aircraft flying through its newly declared maritime air defense zone identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions. AP/Kyodo News

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines on Thursday joined other countries in rejecting Beijing's newly declared air defense zone in the East China Sea.

Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) spokesman Raul Hernandez said China's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) threatens the freedom of flight and the national security of affected nations.

“China’s East Asia Sea ADIZ transforms the entire airzone into its domestic airspace, infringes on the right to freedom of flight in international airspace and compromises the safety of civil aviation and national security of affected states,” the state-run Philippine News Agency quoted Hernandez as saying in a report.

Several nations have been alarmed over China's new air defense zone with the US flying two B-52 bombers over the disputed air space.

The U.S. and Japan have said they don't acknowledge the zone, where foreign aircraft could be asked to identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions.

Taiwan and South Korea have also rejected the zone.

Manila and Beijing are locked in a territorial dispute over the South China Sea with the Asian giant pressing its indisputable sovereignty over the entire disputed waters.

Philippine aviation official John Andrews says China can declare a similar zone over South China Sea areas. - with the Associated Press

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