Nur now in MidEast?

MANILA, Philippines - Nur Misuari has fled to the Middle East through the Philippines’ southern backdoor, a STAR source said yesterday.

The source said Misuari used a traditional maritime route, landing in the coast of Bolongan in Southern Sulawesi in Indonesia.

Misuari is expected to rejoin his wife and two children, who had gone ahead to the Middle East before the start of the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, the source added.

Misuari’s lawyer Rex Bugarin declined to confirm or deny the location of his client.

“I have no contact with Misuari, but if he is arrested then I will argue his case before the court,” he said.

Bugarin said he is just awaiting the service of the arrest warrant for Misuari to provide his legal services.

He cannot make any legal move because the court has not yet assumed jurisdiction over the person of Misuari, he added.

Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) spokesman Emmanuel Fontanilla also declined to confirm or deny the report, but he admitted that he has contact with Misuari.

“The instruction to all MNLF commanders is to be in defensive position as we exhaust diplomatic solution to achieve our political objective,” he said.

 -With Alexis Romero


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