Publisher killed in Calapan


CALAPAN CITY, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines – Unidentified gunmen on a motorcycle shot and killed a publisher of a local newspaper here Wednesday.

Police said Vergel Bico, publisher of his own monthly newspaper Kalahi, died from several gunshot wounds in the head.

Bico, a resident of Barangay Pachoca here, was riding his motorcycle on his way home when two men on another motorcycle followed and overtook him, then  shot him Wednesday afternoon.

One of the gunmen, wearing a gray T-shirt, pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and shot Bico repeatedly in the head at close range, witnesses said.

The gunmen reportedly turned around and finished off the victim, who was bleeding on the pavement.

Bico was rushed to a nearby hospital but was declared dead upon arrival.

Police said three empty shells from a .45 caliber pistol were found at the scene.

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