Napoles, brother placed in immigration lookout list

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Justice on Monday confirmed that it has placed Janet Lim-Napoles, the alleged mastermind in the multi-million peso pork barrel scam, in the Bureau of Immigration's lookout bulletin list.

In a radio report, that aside from Lim, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima also placed in the lookout bulletin of  the Immigration bureau Lim's brother, Reynald "Jojo" Lim.

De Lima has issued a memorandum order to place the two in the lookout list of the BI,  the report said.

Unlike a hold departure order, a lookout order would only direct immigration officers to alert or inform the justice department if the subjects would try to leave the country.

Napoles was dragged into the pork barrel controversy after one of her disgruntled employees squealed and implicated her in the multi-million peso scam, which funnels legislators priority development assistance fund to alleged ghost foundations.

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