Poe pushes ‘Plain Writing’ bill to promote government efficiency

MANILA, Philippines - “Write plainly for Juan dela Cruz.”

Sen. Grace Poe has stressed the fundamental need to communicate in a clear and understandable way to the public through a bill that she is strongly pushing.  

Poe’s Senate Bill No. 1092 or the “Plain Writing for Public Service Act” mandates all government agencies to adopt “plain writing” in all their communications to promote government efficiency.

“Do away with difficult words and phrases that confuse the public—this is what this bill is all about. We want government to effectively serve millions of ordinary Filipinos who often take time understanding public documents,” Poe, chair of the Senate committee on public information and mass media, emphasized.

Poe’s bill is patterned after one of the recent and effective laws of the United States, Public Law 111-274 or the U.S. Plain Writing Law passed in 2010.

Poe expects the measure to promote and expand public access to government services—towards inclusive growth that benefits the poor.

Her bill defines “plain writing” as writing and preparations that are clear, concise and well-organized, following best practices suited to the subject or audience.

Plain writing should be used in documents such as information about government services and benefits, documents for obtaining said benefits, those that explain to the public how to meet government requirements, and other key documents.

Poe’s bill designates the Civil Service Commission to lead the implementation and issue guidelines for plain writing. The bill also mandates the training of all government employees in plain writing.

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