7 issues PNoy discussed in 2012 missing in 2013 SONA

MANILA, Philippines - At least 65 items have been discussed in President Benigno Aquino III's longest State of the Nation Address (SONA) so far, but seven issues he talked about last year were left untouched in his fourth SONA.

The status of the budget for state colleges and universities, the state of mining in the country, the tree-planting project named the National Convergence Initiative, illegal logging, the territorial dispute with China and the Maguindanao massacre were some of the highlights of the president's speech in 2012 which lacked follow-ups in Aquino's most recent speech.

Last year, Aquino talked about the enactment of the SUC (state universities and colleges) Reform Roadmap to ensure that students sponsored by the state would be of top caliber. He also promised to increase the budget for state schools, as it has been since he assumed office.

The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry was also mentioned in 2012, with Aquino expecting the sector to employ 1.3 million Filipinos by the end of his term. Since then, news have been reported about BPO companies expanding in the country, and the government's attention has been called regarding the issue of BPO workers' rights.

The executive order (EO) on mining, which has been a topic of debate among pro- and anti-mining groups, was also left undiscussed since it was issued. The EO aims to balance the country's economic needs and the environment through the implementation of reforms in the mining industry.

Further on the issue of environment, Aquino also said in 2012 that the government has launched the National Convergence Initiative for a greening program. The project aims to provide livelihood to citizens who will act as stewards of trees. In addition, the president has also brought up the government's renewed vow to eliminate illegal logging in the country, but the progress of the two items were not talked about in his recent SONA.

Aquino also did not touch on the issue of the territorial dispute with China, amid an ongoing exchange of accusations between the Philippines and the economic superpower. The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was good judgment on the part of the president to not discuss the issue in his speech.

Lastly, the Maguindanao massacre was also missing in Aquino's 2013 speech, almost four years after it claimed the lives of 58 people, mostly journalists in Ampatuan, Maguindanao. The president vowed in his speech last year to bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice.

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