Philippine Coast Guard open to PMAers, says ‘cavalier’ chief

Philippine Coast Guard commandant Rear Admiral Rodolfo Isorena

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine Coast Guard commandant Rear Admiral Rodolfo Isorena, a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy, welcomed yesterday the proposal to allow PMA graduates to enter the PCG.

Isorena, who belongs to PMA Class of 1982, believes that having more PMAers would benefit the PCG, the country’s maritime law enforcement agency.

He supports the proposal of the PMA Alumni Association Inc. (PMAAAI) because the PMAers would be assets of the PCG.

The PMA graduates would enhance their human resource program and networking of the coast guard, Isorena said. 

There are currently 40 PMA alumni occupying several major positions in the PCG.

The PCG currently sources its new breed of officers either from direct commission who will undergo six months of training or from the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) whose graduates are given reserved slots to become coast guard officers after graduation.

The last time the PCG admitted PMA graduates was in 1998, before the coast guard was separated from the Philippine Navy (PN) and placed under the Department of Transportation and Communications.

PNPA grads reject plan of PMAers

Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) described as “inconsistent with the Constitution” the effort of PMA graduates to re-enter the police service.

Copies of an unsigned letter with the PNPA Alumni Association Inc. (PNPAAAI) logo that rejected the proposal of PMAers were circulated yesterday at PNP headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City.

The letter was not signed by supposed PNP officers apparently to avoid getting the ire of top police officials who are PMAers.

“Accordingly, this association views the PMAAAI (PMA Alumni Association Inc.) proposal not only as inconsistent with but also in contravention and/or in circumvention of the Constitution and legal prescriptions,” the letter stated.

The PNPAAAI virtually echoed the position of Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II who said that he would study the proposal of the PMAAAI to allow graduates of the premier military institution to again enter the police service.

“I will have to study the proposal. I think the law is clear PNP officers must come from PNPA,” Roxas explained. He added he would try to come up with measures to strengthen the programs to further improve the institution.  â€“ With Cecille Suerte Felipe




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