Taiwan still hiring Pinoys

MANILA, Philippines - The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) belied a report yesterday that some 6,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) were not granted working visas due to the ongoing row between the Philippines and Taiwan.

Chang Pong, TECO press division director, denied Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) chairman Amadeo Perez’s claim that Filipinos were refused working visas by TECO after the fatal shooting of a suspected Taiwanese poacher by a Philippine Coast Guard crew in Balintang
Channel, Batanes last May 9.

“In fact, since the shooting incident, TECO has already issued 2,803 working visas for applicants with work permits approved before the May 15th sanctions,” Chang said.

He said other working visa applicants are under screening and their papers are still being processed.

On Wednesday, TECO Political Division director Andrew Tung-Heng Lin urged the Philippine government to expedite the resolution on the shooting incident.

He said Taiwan wants the Philippines to release “appropriate and positive” results of the investigation into the shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman before hiring of OFWs resumes.

Taiwan has stopped issuing permits to Filipino workers since May 15.

“It is important to note that one of the most important steps in restoring bilateral relationship is for the Philippine presidential office to release the National Bureau of Investigation report on the shooting incident,” Chang said.

“This is a major step towards the healthy direction in mending the relationship. We suggest it to be done in an expeditious manner, as justice delayed is justice denied.”

Chang said both parties would like to see justice served and hope that the outcome of the investigation would be satisfactory to them.

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