Phl, Thailand sign agreements to boost ties

President Aquino welcomes Thailand Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul during a courtesy call at Malacañang yesterday. With them are Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary Sihasak Phuangketkeow and Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario.

MANILA, Philippines - Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul paid a courtesy call on President Aquino and signed three agreements aimed at strengthening relations and cooperation between the Philippines and Thailand.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario joined the President in welcoming Tovichakchaikul and other Thai officials during a simple ceremony held at the Music Room of Malacañang Thursday afternoon.

Yesterday, Tovichakchaikul and Del Rosario spearheaded the signing of agreements that aimed to strengthen the cordial relations and cooperation between the two ASEAN countries.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said the agreements signed were the Convention between the Philippines and Thailand for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, the Joint Statement for the Establishment of an Energy Forum, and the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation between Thailand-Philippines and the Philippines-Thailand Business Councils.

The agreement on taxation and income would facilitate economic activities between the Philippines and Thailand, while the joint statement for the establishment of an energy forum would advance cooperation in the energy sector. 

Meanwhile, the MOU on the development of cooperation between the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking would promote cooperation and develop collaboration on trade and investment between Philippine and Thai companies.

Tovichakchaikul and Del Rosario also presided yesterday over the 5th Meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation. The JCBC is a mechanism established by the Philippines and Thailand in March 1992 to facilitate cooperation and consultation between the two countries on a wide range of issues and bilateral and regional concerns.

This was preceded on Thursday by the JCBC Senior Officials’ Meeting, which was co-chaired by Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Evan Garcia and Thai Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Sihasak Phuangketkeow. 

The two sides provided updates on political and economic developments in the respective countries.

Among the topics discussed were trade and investment, technical cooperation, education, tourism and transportation, law enforcement and legal cooperation, taxation, energy, labor and defense. 


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