115 OFWs stranded in Jordan seek repatriation

Filipina workers stage a protest in front of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office-OWWA building in Amman, Jordan, where they renewed their plea for repatriation.

MANILA, Philippines - The 115 female overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) stranded in Amman, Jordan appealed to the Aquino government for their immediate repatriation, an official of the migrant rights group Migrante-Middle East said yesterday.

Thirty of the women staged a protest rally in front of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office and OWWA building last April 22 to press embassy and labor officials to process their repatriation.

The women are staying at the Filipino Workers Resource Center (FWRC) operated by the Philippine embassy in Amman.

“Most of the stranded women OFWs have been staying at FWRC since 2010. Their pleas for repatriation fell on deaf ears,” said John Leonard Monterona, Migrante vice chairperson and regional coordinator of the Migrante International in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Monterona said a majority of the 115 stranded OFWs were victims of human trafficking while some were abused and maltreated by their employers.

He said others have not been paid their salaries for months and some were falsely charged of stealing and engaging in illicit relationships by their employers.

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