Palace exec fails to vote

MANILA, Philippines - A Malacañang official was not spared from the election glitches yesterday.

In her Twitter account, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigal Valte said she was disenfranchised and not able to vote in Makati City.

She said she went to her precinct, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting table, Commission on Elections representatives in her polling place, and the Comelec office in Makati City and did not find her name in any of those places.

She said she was asked to “reactivate” her registration once the Comelec called for it.

Valte stressed she voted in 2010, having registered only in 2009.

“I remember it well because it was my first time,” she said in her Twitter account.

However, the Comelec office in Makati City told her that based on records she “didn’t vote in two consecutive elections.” “How can that be?” she asked.

“A Comelec official showed me the list (of voters) in 2010 and it didn’t have my thumb print or signature. Impossible that I didn’t sign it,” Valte said.

She said her name was “not on the list, in the computer and in the book of the Comelec.”                          

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